Monday, 18 November 2013

Human Resource Development (மனித வள மேன்பாடு)

Recruitment /Selection (வேலைக்கு) ஆட்களைத் தேர்ந்தெடுத்தல்)

No one can be 100 percent perfect. Hence, One must look in to overall strength after evaluation of a person’s positive and negative attributes. This aspect of merit rating against many vital reference parameters is widely practiced now by all business establishments in selection, induction and placement of employees at all levels. Same criteria are resorted to for differentiation among employees for performance appraisal too. Mr.Jack Welsh retired CEO of General Electric Company, advocates categorisation of all employees through regular performance reviews at all levels in to top 20% for promotion, bottom 10% to be sent away and middle 70% for development in order to maintain high level of meritocracy in the organization.
குணம் நாடி குற்றம் நாடி அவற்றுள்
மிகை நாடி மிக்க கொளள் (504)      
 Kunam Naadi Kutram Naadi Avatrul
 Migai Naadi Mikka Kolal     
ஒருவருடைய நல்ல குணங்களையும், குறைகளையும் ஆராய்ந்து அதில்
 எது அதிகமாக உள்ளதோ அதன்படி அவரை  மதிப்பிட வேண்டும்.
 Judge  a person, after evaluating his strong and weak points and
 come to conclusion  based on the overall predominating factors.

Avoiding Misfits (ஒவ்வாதவனைத் தவிர்தல்) 

In this couplet , the sage poet, stresses that no candidate for a job should be selected without  detailed examination and the need for allotting a task according to his caliber to avoid  misfits. In life, greatest tragedy is, there are more misfits than unfits. A company  which posts a very good production engineer as sales engineer will loose two engineers in terms of contribution. It is amazing that the modern managements' stress on one’s aptitude and skill sets as selection criteria of an individual for a job had been in Vogue even twenty centuries back.

 தேறற்க யாரையுந் தேராது தேர்ந்தபின்
 தேறுக தேறும் பொருள் (509)

Therarka Yaaraiyun Therathu Thernthapin
Theruga Therum Porul
 ராயாமல் யாரையும் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கக் கூடாது; தேர்ந்தெடுத்தபின் 
அவரிடமுள்ள   திறமைக்கு தக்கவாரு செயலில் ஈடு படுத்த பட வேண்டும்.  .  

 No one should be recruited without proper testing process. Once a  person is  chosen, then task must be assigned according to his  capability.                                                                                                   

Confidence Building (நம்பிக்கை)

Faith is the most important component in dealing with an employee at any point in time. It is the basic foundation on which all interactions happen. Hence, it is mandatory to conduct detailed study of the person before reposing faith in him. On the same count, developing suspicion on a person who had already been taken in to confidence would lead to unending miseries to the management. In corporate world, company’s secrets in areas of new design, Products, finance are vital and are zealously guarded. Hence, faith and loyalty of an employee is of paramount importance. That is why in this couplet Tiruvalluvar lays down the fundamentals of Recruitment as well as subsequent confidence building aspects like -

Believing a person without checking his background and suspecting a person after reposing faith and allotment of responsibilities would unsettle smooth functioning and end up in mutual distrust affecting the overall performance of the system as such. This assumes great significance in this highly competitive world, where poaching  industrial espionage and patent infringement have become very common in corporate sectors. Google subject applicants through very rigorous interview and tests before selection.Apple is famous for maintaining at most secrecy in development of products till it’s launch and no employee ventures to discuss his activities even among themselves. The sage provides this message very succinctly in the following couplet.

 தேரான் தெளிவும் தெளிந்தாங்கண் ஐயுறவும்
 தீரா இடும்பைத் தரும் ( 510)
 Theran Thelivum Thelinthankan Iuravum
 Theera Idumbaith Tharum
 ஆராயாமல் ஒருவரை நம்புவதும், நம்பியவர் மேல் சந்தேகம்  கொள்வதும்  நீங்காத  துன்பத்தைக்  கொடுக்கும்    
 Believing someone without proper checks and suspecting   
 someone after accepting him in good faith will result in

 never ending problems.                                   


Viscom Professor said...

Good work! All the best!

sampu said...

Thank you sir for the encouragement.

Unknown said...

Excellent work. Triggered my interest to explore thirukkural.!! Keep posting!!!

Unknown said...

Excellent work. Triggered my interest to explore thirukkural.!! Keep posting!!!

Anonymous said...

three good kurals