The top man must be able to recognize an opportunity and identify a
novel way to address it. The poet emphasizes the saying “Successful people
don’t do different things but do things differently “. The success story of
founders of Microsoft, Google and Apple are testament to this fact. This holds good
in the case of Sabir Bhatia’s Hotmail - world’s first mass-adopted free E mail
service which in addition to making him a wealthy individual also
revolutionized the concept of communication. The technology legend and co
founder of “Apple” Steve Jobs single-handedly took his company to great heights
by delivering highly innovative blockbuster products such as the iPhone, iPod
and iPad which brought true delight to customers the world over and made Apple
the most valued company in the world. Ths disruptive technology had completely changed
the way people use the internet for business or entertainment and made the
ubiquitous desktops and Laptops in the endangered list. The list is incomplete
without the mention of the great search algorithm written by the founders Larry
Page and Sergy Brin of Google which revolutionized the industry and made them
young billionaires ($24.9 and $ 24.4 Billion respectively as of September 2013).
Social networking phenomenon Facebook and Twitter have made this planet a much
smaller and highly connected one. Facebook with 1.1Billion active members as on
March 2013 has made the founder - 27 years old Mark Zuckerberg the youngest
billionaire with $16.8 billion as of 2013. It is clear that whoever dares to be
different and risk taking uncharted route is rewarded. In the present highly competitive environment, survival of any
business depends only on it’s capability to Innovate. “Thinking out of the box”, ‘lateral thinking’, ‘Innovation’ have
become great qualities of successful managers in corporate sectors to keep them
ahead of their competition.
This important asset to be possessed by CEO was enunciated in the
எய்தற்கரியது இயந்தக்கால் அந்நிலையே
செய்தற் கரிய செயல் (489)
Eaitharkariyathu Iyanthakkal Annilaiye
Saithar Kariya Seyal
கிடைத்தற்கரிய காலம் வாய்குமானால் அந்த வாய்ப்பை பயன்படுதிக்கொண்டு அப்போழுதே அரிய செயல்களை செய்ய வேண்டும்.
When an opportunity arises, one should grab it and carry out a rare
task not carried out previously by others.
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