Sunday, 22 September 2013

Business Ethics (தொழில் கோட்பாடுகள்)

This aspect assumes great significance in the light of scandals and scams that afflict today’s governments and businesses the world over. Corrupt practices in private and public sector undertakings have become order of the day. Integrity should be the basic necessity, even to enter business. There can not be any compromise in this fundamental requirement, as this forms the foundation on which any institution can be built. Following couplet brings out in a nut shell salient responsibility and code of conduct of a business man in carrying out his function. The sage advises that he should treat other stack holders’ wealth also as his own to ensure no loss to them.

Integrity (நேர்மை)

வாணிகஞ் செய்வார்க்கு வாணிகம் பேணி
பிறவும் தமற்போற் செயின் (120)
Vaanikanj Saivarkku Vaanikam Peni
Piravum Thamarpor Seyin
பிறர் பொருளையும் தம் பொருள் போல் போற்றிச் செய்தால்
அதுவே உரிய வாணிக முறையாகும்

A good Business man while performing his trade, should treat

other’s wealth as his own and ensure no loss to the investor.

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